Monday, March 26, 2012

Glenzeil Celebrates 22 years

This month, Glenzeil is celebrating a birthday. We are 22 years old! In March 1990, Ken Jones and Geoff Rose began operations as Glenzeil and 22 years later the company is still going strong, under the leadership of Ken Skrinis and Brian Gabriel.

We have a strong team with many long term employees making up our core staff. The following staff have been with the company for more than 7 years and we’d like to acknowledge their dedicated service:  Paul Stevenson, Nikki Vaughan, Kieran Hogan, Kathryn Holt, Matt Sanders, Nicole Fuller, Jan Nube, Alan Moss, Marie Miller, John McDonagh, Andy Ingram, Paul Garland, Kevin Fitzpatrick, Shannon Davis, Brock Wharton, Allan Beecroft and Tamara Allen.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Metrowest Warehouse - On-Site Progress

Glenzeil commenced works onsite on the 6th February 2012, with early works comprising of clearing the site vegetation and establishing the warehouse pad.  Interruptions due to ongoing inclement weather has provided difficulties in excavating and finishing ground footings & casting the concrete tilt-up panels onsite.  With the completion of 79 no. bored piers last week, tilt-up erection followed with the warehouse now stood ready for the structural steel which will be ongoing over the next week.  The critical path then moves over to the second part of the construction; the 2 level suspended office which comprises conference rooms, offices, workstations, kitchens and amenities.